Dubai - 14-15 Oct, 2016

The 3rd edition of the NDC Hackathon took place in Dubai, UAE on 14-15 October following a week of ideation phase gathering API providers, mentors and developers.

A total of 103 developers participated and presented 23 ideas.

There were two types of API providers:

  • NDC API Providers: Emirates, British Airways, Condor/Thomas Cook and American Airlines
  • Travel API Providers: SITA, ATPCO, Routehappy, JR Technologies and Flightstats

During 28 hours participants were asked to build travel apps and solutions using at a minimum an NDC API and address specific challenges around:

  • Business Travel Journey addressing items around Big Data and/or personalized shopping experience for corporates
  • Leisure Travel with challenges on increased loyalty and the traveler journey

A total of 5 prizes were given out based on these categories plus and additional Developer Prize to award the best code.


  1. Callie
  2. Created a virtual business travel booking assistant that helps prepare and book trips in accordance with the meetings in your calendar. Travel booking assistant mixing both personal and business trips & data.

  3. Travelbuddy
  4. Door-to-door travel assistant providing context info and targeting up-sell. App guiding passenger through the airport, providing the right info at each step.

  5. Kudos
  6. Personal travel assistant with on-the-go airport services. Using IBM Watson to analyze Facebook profile login and make personal recommendations.

  7. Bonjour
  8. Bonjour is a democratized marketplace where individuals and business can exchange products and services. Blockchain focuses on personalities.

  9. Sam
  10. Upgrades let companies offer and buy automatically ancillary products based on a set of rules defined by a travel manager. The offers are based on travel history. Benefits travelers’ productivity. (Take-off prize – Incubation phase).
